Basic Health Information, Diseases and Conditions, Government Sites, Children’s Health, Bookshelf
Health Care Professionals, Hospitals, Living Arrangements, Bookshelf
Health Insurance Plans, Medicare/Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance, Complaints, Managed Care Plans, Bookshelf
Medical Research Sites, Medical Dictionaries, Drug Information, Online Databases, Bookshelf
General Wellness, Health Screenings, Immunizations, First Aid, Nutrition, Fitness, Stress Management, Sports Medicine, Bookshelf :
Advocacy/Support, Conditions and Disorders, Counseling / Care & Treatment, General Information , Grief & Bereavement, Marriage & Family / Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, Bookshelf
General Information , Mind-Body Medicine, Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, Dietary Supplements, Herbs, & Nutrition, Body Manipulation Therapies, Ayurveda & Yoga, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, & Naturopathy, Bookshelf
Local Health Information, Local Healthcare Providers, Local Health Insurance Information, Local Medical Research, Local Staying Healthy, Local Mental Health, Local Alternative Health Information , Bookshelf, Additional Resources
Evaluating Health Information on the Internet
This database, a component of the CDC site, contains some agricultural first aid concerns as well as basic first aid information. There is also a Spanish language section.
The goal of the HealthLink Plus Web site is to facilitate access to consumer health information in an effort to develop and enhance public knowledge of important health and fitness issues. Instead of wading through thousands of health related Internet Web sites, HealthLink Plus users will find reliable, recent, and authoritative information from sites selected by PLCMC’s professional Information Services staff.
The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County has held a strong reputation in providing and disseminating accurate information since its founding in 1903. The library’s staff of Information Specialists is pleased to continue this legacy of service for you through the HealthLink Plus Web site.
Healthlink Plus is designed and developed by the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. Logos and images are strictly copyrighted.
To find web sites about a specific condition select the option conditions under General Health Information. To research a condition or disorder, please search under the category Medical Research, the sub-category Online Databases will provide access to full text medical journals, book excerpts, and pamphlets. A PLCMC library card is needed to access these databases.
Under the category Medical Research is a sub-category entitled Drug Information. The sites listed will provide information on both prescription and non-prescription medicines. For in-depth research on a specific drug, choose sub-category Online Databases under the category Medical Research. These databases will provide access to full text medical journals, pamphlets, and book excerpts. A PLCMC library card is needed to access these databases.
Click on the category Healthcare Providers. Under the sub-category Healthcare Providers there is a link to doctors and a link to specialists. These listings will provide web sites for locating local doctors, and specialists.
To find out current medical research on a condition click on Medical Research. Under this category one will find links to Medical Research Sites such as clinical trials, and clinical research. These selections will provide information on the newest treatment options. Other categories on HealthLink Plus that will aid in a search would be conditions under General Health, and Online Databases under the category Medical Research. These databases will provide access to full text medical journals, pamphlets, and book excerpts. A PLCMC library card is needed to access these databases.
© 2003 Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
310 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: 704-336-2725